I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

Your very FIRST Mandy Rain website!

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mandy Rain contest!

Ever dreamed of having a song dedicated to you? Now is your chance to make it happen! Mandy is having a contest & the prize is that the winner will get an original song written about them! For the rules and how to enter make sure to check out: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/iihq0i .

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mandy Rain Sneak Peek ALAYLM

Hey Rainstorms! Chceck out above Mandy's sneak peek of her upcoming cover video ''As Long As You Love me''. The video is coming out the first of August! Are you excited? Make sure to share it with all of your friends :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Mandy Rain Teaser

Hey Rainstorms! Wednesday, Mandy released a teaser for her upcoming video! You can check it out above. The dance moves are really amazing and I really cannot wait for the video! What do you think? Also make sure to share it with ALL your friends!!! The whole video should be released soon.

Become an official rainstorm!

Hello rainstorms! Ever wanted to become an OFFICIAL RAINSTORM? Now, this is YOUR chance! Mandy was looking for some street team member and put me as the leader. All you have to do is tweet me at @imteammandyrain letting me know you want to be apart of the team! You'll get to help Mandy and get exclusive accesses!

Website partner :)

Hey Rainstorms, I am glad to let you know that http://mandyrainfrance.wifeo.com/ (made by @JreamFrance on twitter) is now my partner website! I'm partnering with Vicky since I really really LOVE her website and she's a great friend of mine! Make sure to check her website (http://mandyrainfrance.wifeo.com/) and check her video above for Mandy :)

ps: She used to own http://rain-mandy.skyrock.com/

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Alabama Capital and Mandy Rain enjoying diner at Mel's Diner!

Hey Rainstorms and Capitalizers! I just found this really funny video on YouTube of Mandy and the boys from AC having diner :) Check it out above!