I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Saturday, May 21, 2011


Hello Rainstorms! This is the LAST Rainstorm questions of the week! But, you need to check it out tomorrow cause there gonna be something YOU can answer, I can't say anything else yet! Anyways, enjoy @Cakes1996 answers :)

#1 Did Mandy do anything to you that made you so happy? What was it? she made music when I'm sad mandy makes me feel better when I listen to school gyrls and she made rain tv always gets a laugh out of me

#2 If you could thank Mandy for one thing what would that be?  I would thank her for being super nice to her fans and writing back letters

#3 Why are you a rainstorm? I'm a rainstorm because I love mandy she's soo funny she's my favorite school gyrl and she nice to me

#4 What do you think about Mandy's style?  I love her style she don't care what ppl think if she like it she wears it and its kinda similar to my style I love glitter

#5 Do you send her letters every month? no I don't send letters to her every month I sent her one I was going to wait till she wrote back to send another one 

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