I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rainstorm Questions UPDATES!

Hey Rainstorms! Last week they were some Rainstorms questions where I got to pick the Rainstorms! But this week, anyone can do it! Below, you'll see 10 questions, those are the ones you will answer. Send me your answers via twitter: @ImTeamMandyRain OR email me them at: imonteammandyrain@hotmail.com ! All your answers will feature on this blog next week! Hope ur in and send this to ALL your rainstorms friends who knows, they might be in too! (PS: You don't need to answer all of them, if you don't want to!)


#1 - Since when did you became a rainstorm?
#2- What was your reaction when Mandy left the School Gyrls?
#3- Did Mandy do anything to you that made you so happy? What was it?
#4- If you could thank Mandy for one thing what would that be?
#5- Are you excited for Mandy's solo career?
#6- Who would be the perfect collaboration with Mandy?
#7- Any idea what kind of ''PLANS'' Mandy is working on?
#8- In what TV show should Mandy figure in and why?
#9- Who do you think should be Mandy's celeb boyfriend and why?
#10- If you could tell 1 thing to Mandy what would that be?


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