I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Friday, June 24, 2011


Hey RAINSTORMS! We all know the story, about Mandy going to Nati's graduation right? Well Nati was nice enough to write an article about it...So here it goes, enjoy :)

hi! it's @CharlieAlexx333 from twitter and i'm here to share on my experience meeting Mandy Rain! well, it all started out by me being a huge, dedicated fan since Star Camp.. it all spilled from there. i've been a Rainstorm for a long time and i was really determined to meet Mandy. it hit me one day and i remembered that my graduation was coming up soon! so i log into Twitter and i DM'ed Mandy the day before graduation asking if she could go and make my life lol and she responded saying that she had a recording session.... i totally believed her and i understood that she's busy and all that chizz.. so i told my friends that she wasn't going cuz they were also looking forward to meeting her.. i was kinda bummed, but i was also very excited for graduating and leaving the school and be FREE!! next day: graduation. i had forgotten the Mandy convo and i got ready and i went off to graduate!! YAY!!!! while in the ceremony, like 10 mins after it had started, i
saw Mandy sorta walk out a door and i thought she left.... :'( SHE DIDN'T!!!! turned out she had no idea where to be at so she called me.. but my phone was off.. the ceremony was still going on and i was sad but happy that i saw her.. until.... 10 mins before it ended, my class and i were ready to sing our class song "Today My Life Begins" by Bruno Mars. i was ready to sing my heart out until i looked to my left and there she was.... Mandy Rain!!!! i DIED and started crying. happy tears, of course. she smiled and waved at me and i couldn't help but to just break down and cry lol!!!! sooo it was an amazing meeting her, my ROLE-MODEL and i was so happy and so was she. her father was so nice to record me and make a video, too. THANK YOU, MARK!!!! it was a special moment. i'm proud to call myself a Rainstorm :D my classmates didn't expect it.. they barely knew who she was anyway.... except for @JasmineVnerd, @iMileyLove, @MrzBreezy11, and @KeshasCANimal7 on twitter. i love Mandy and i support her ONE MILLION percent!! THANK YOU MANDY RAIN and thank you Majorie!!!! <333 xoxoxoxo, Nati ohh and btw, Mandy mentioned this to some Rainstorms that imma do a U-Stream on June 27th(Sunday afternoon) so, tune in and watch me talk more about this amazing experience!! GO CLASS OF 2011 RAINSTORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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