I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Rainstorms QUESTIONS WITH @iBieberRain

Hey RAINSTORMS! How's your first day of June going?? Well Mandy Rain FANS is doing AMAZING! For our first June post we thought why not do some Rainstorms question again? So that's what i'm doing!!! SO HERE IT IS!!! Enjoy and folllow her twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/IBieberRain

#1 - Since when did you became a rainstorm?
 I have been a rainstorm since the 1st school gyrls movie like when Mandy was talking about the school from the end of the movie

#2- What was your reaction when Mandy left the School Gyrls?
My reaction when she left the school gyrls was kinda happy because i want her to go solo because she is better off that way !!

#3- Did Mandy do anything to you that made you so happy? What was it?
Mandy really did and i started crying. The night b4 my birthday she called me to wish me a happy bday ! I was hysterical crying 4 hrs

#4- If you could thank Mandy for one thing what would that be?
 I would thank Mandy for being so loyal so sweet so amazing at life so pretty so loving so nice . :) and thank her 4 calling me !

#5- Are you excited for Mandy's solo career?
 i am SOOO EXCITED FOR HER SOLO CARRER YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ! i cant wait till a album new songs concerts omg cant wait !!

#6- Who would be the perfect collaboration with Mandy?
Umm a perfect collaboration will be maybe nick jonas JUSTIN BIEBER or even matt storm bc they are bro and sis and they sing amazing !

#7- Any idea what kind of ''PLANS'' Mandy is working on?
 I mostly think mandy is recording songs because she tweets "at the studio" so that gives me a idea of new songs coming out way!

#8- In what TV show should Mandy figure in and why?
Well Mandy should be on Victorious or Icarly because i love NICK ! and i think mandy will fit in good bc she is funny and energetic !!

#9- Who do you think should be Mandy's celeb boyfriend and why?
Well this is easy, Mandy's celeb bf should be Nick jonas bc she used to be in LOVE with him maybe still am :) They would cute 2gether

#10- If you could tell 1 thing to Mandy what would that be?
 I would tell mandy that she is perfect, because duh she is :)

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