I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Silver Jeans Co WINNERS!

CONGRATS TO THE  SILVER JEANS CO WINNERS! To win this month's giveaway you had to caption what Mandy was saying or thinking. The winners are:

Isabellathenewb with:  Ma’m… when you see me in a convuhsation, you DO NAWT juss go ‘head and innerupt.

AJ with:  Hmm will these go with my Silver Jeans…

Morgan with:  “Dad, if you please buy them,I’ll let you borrow them!

LeAnna with:  “Who said diamonds are a girls best friend?”

Jazmyn with:  Life’s good but life would be truly amazing if I had these shoes 

Aubriana with: Never shall I forget the time I spent with you. Please continue to be my friend, while i wear you upon my feet!

Drew with: No dad, these are for me not you

Teresa with:  hmmmm. ok so i bought a pair of this expensive shoes yesterday. So today they decided to go on sale!? :/
Tia with: They said that if i buy one shoe i get the other shoe 50 percent off…. NEXT TIME I COME HERE O__0

Congrats to ALL of you and if you didn't win it's alright better luck next time! If you want Mandy Rain Fans to know first about what is next month's giveaway make sure you tweet Mandy and Nicole (:

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