I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

How did AJ meet Mandy #2?

Hey Rainstorms, as you know AJ from AJ82LO on twitter met Mandy at the kids meet children foundation. I asked him a couple of questions and he answered them. So, get ready & enjoy. PS: Thanks AJ (:

MandyRainFans: How was the performance?
AJLOVED it! Mandy & Jordan sang an AMAZIN cover of "Price Tag" <33 My fav part was when me & Mandy reached and touched hands towards the end of the performance and at the same time she looked right into my droid while i was recording :D

MRF: How was Mandy when she met you?
AJ: After checking out the event for a couple mins, i happened to see her with Jordan so i went up to say HULLO again :D me & Mandy hugged and i thanked her for my Silver Jeans that i wore there..we also talked about the event and staying active over the summer! #STAYACTIVE

MRF: Did you get to meet other celebs?
AJNot really since i was there for Mandy and to support Kids Help Children 

MRFOverall how was the event?
AJ:In a word..FUN!! Lots of activites,signings, performances, raffles that Mandy & Jordan helped with :) free food, drinks and a lotta screaming girls hahah all for a very important cause <3 i had the BEST TIME EVER!!!

MRFDid you get the chance to meet Jordan as well?
AJ: YES!! Mandy was soooo sweet to introduce me to him and he couldnt have been any nicer!

MRFWhat did she sign for you?
AJI brought the pic Nicole took of us at the Billabong event, she also signed a pic she brought for this event and i took another pic with her :)

MRFWas it even better meeting her the second time?
AJFor sure mostly cause i got to talk to her more and see her perform!



1 comment:

AJ said...

thank YOU marjorie! :) <3

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