I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tokidoki contest DEETS

Everyone wants to know the details on this months giveaway. You all know it’s sponsored by tokidoki but now you need to know what YOU have to do in order to be one of the 10 winners.
In order to win you have to create your own character. Not all of us are for real artists so I don’t expect your character to be over the top perfect, what I am looking for is creativity. It can be a stick figure but if it’s done in a creative way, then you could be a winner.
You can only enter the contest ONE time, it has to be YOUR own work and it needs to be in color. You can use paint, markers, crayons, tissue, I don’t care, but you have to name it and present a story behind it. Like a couple sentences introducing your character, their background and who they are. Whoever I choose as winners (my fav characters) will be posted on my site as well.
All submissions need to be turned in by Monday, Sept 26th 5PM PST / 8PM EST. You can email your submissions to mandy@morrisandpelle.com with the subject title “my character is … ” If you don’t put the subject title and you turn your character in AFTER the deadline, you don’t qualify. Remember, anyone can participate, even if you have won in the past.
Oh and one more thing, on Sept 20th I am announcing another part of this month’s giveaway, one that you will not want to miss out on so make sure you are working on your character! Let’s go Rainstorms! Get creative!

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