I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

AJ meeting Mandy #3

A lucky Rainstorm named AJ (Also knows as @AJ82LO on twitter) has met Mandy for the 3RD TIME! Being a Cali Rainstorm he does have more opportunities. So, we asked him to write about how the walk was   & here it is, Enjoy :D

Meeting Mandy for the 3rd time was sooooo much fun!! Aids Walk LA started when me and my dad met up with Mandy, her bro Matt :) and dad Mark along with TeamSMF leader Jessica and the rest of Team Somaly Mam Foundation! While waiting for the walk to start, Mandy let me hear some of her new songs!! :D I couldn't believe it and of course LOVED them! Now im even more excited to hear all her new music!! We took pics, laughed a lot :P and also talked about the upcoming #BOOGIE vid <33 Mandy shared Somaly's inspirational story with us too and that reminded me why i was walking <3 The 6+ miles wasnt easy but so worth it for such a great cause and being able to walk with Mandy & her fam was beyond A-MAZ-IN!! #teamSMF

1 comment:

AJ said...

Sweeeeet!! thx as always Marjorie!

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