I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Secrets are revealed!

Could any more secrets be revealed? Today on Facebook Mandy revealed that it's ''possible'' she will have a Facebook webseries! How could would that be? Also, last night Mandy went on Ustream. If you've missed it, you sadly can't watch it since it was not recorded. BUT, according to Mandy Rain News she mentioned ''college'' and that she would probably do some college tour..also, they might be a game which we have to guess what Mandy's Halloween costume is. Mandy is attending the LA AIDS walk...She also got a new Hamster named Pumpkin. It was also mentionned that she wil visit Australia (what???). We also got to know that she wants to go to UCLA for college, that if Boogie tops the chart, she will start touring and that Mandy will be doing a duet with Joseph Vincent. When I told you a bunch of secrets were revealed wasn't I right? Thanks to Kim, from Mandy Rain News for the info! Go check out her USA website!

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