I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mandy Rain talks about the future & much more! MANDY RAIN FANS EXCLUSIVE!

Hey Rainstorms! Being the OFFICIAL CANADIAN FANSITE FOR MANDY RAIN I get some exclusives. A couple weeks ago, I sended Mandy 10 questions for her to answer! Enjoy (:
1. A lot of artist sees themselves in 10 years winning a Grammy or having a sell out tour. Where do YOU see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully in the same place. For me, (as cheesy as this sounds) its not about winning a Grammy, of course, that would be so cool. But I love knowing, that I make such a huge impact on people. The fact that young girls all over the world, and even sometimes girls older than me, look up to me? It's crazy incredible. So touring and meeting all my fans, and still keeping my morals is what I see in myself 10 years from now. 
2.What is your goal for your singing career?Making songs that people can relate to. I love when I hear a song and im like WOW, that totally fits what im going through right now. I love writing about my life, and experiences because people can see "dang shes going through the same thing as me" and feel like they aren't alone. 

3. Will we see you on a screen acting soon?Acting has actually not been my main focus for the past few months, but I am stepping back on the scene very soon. 

4. This is a hard industry, how will you stay down to earth and humble?I think having so many friends in the business has really put things in perspective. I've watched people that haven't been as well known as myself, climb higher and higher, and I was always so happy for them, but sometimes a person can let themselves run away. I've lost really good friends because of the business which is always difficult. I do base my career off of doing things the right way however, not using others to get where I want, and showing people, that no matter what things are thrown your way, you CAN overcome it. But it's that much sweeter when you do it the right way. 

5. Boogie has been an amazing hit so far, do you think your upcoming music will leave us with the same reactions?Yes, every song I put out, I always ask myself if I like it, sounds funny but its true. My age group of fans is.. around my age, 14-24. So I ask myself would I jam out to this in the club? Or, in my car? Or in my room with a hair brush even, lol. If I like my own stuff, I know my Rainstorms will. 

6. Your working on a bookclub. Are you a big reader & what is your favorite book?The Outsiders & To Kill A Mocking Bird are all time favorites of mine. I like to read, and think its important but I am not a huge reader. I'm more the girl who wants to write the novel. 

7. Can you tell us anything about your upcoming Holiday song?It will make you wanna Dougie AND you'll be singing it Christmas morning! lol

8. What can we expect for the Boogie video and will there be any familiar faces?A few faces you might recognize and it's very unique, not your average "well it's a party song so we have to set in a club" lol.

9. What is the best advice you've ever been giving?It's very well known but I live by "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." I have striked out SO many times, with tons of false starts! I'm proud of what I've achieved for being so young, but I've learned that you can't be scared of anything. Because being afraid will only hold you down. 

10. To finish up, December is coming up faster than we think. Anything happening for you in December?Yes! In December I'm releasing my Christmas song, doing a LIVE photo shoot with the NOH8 Campaign, live performances as well! Im so excited for what's to come!  
Thank you Mandy for you're answers and we cannot be any happier to see what's coming up for you! 

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