I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Questions and Answers with Michael Mantez!- exclusive!

Hey Rainstorms! We had the opportunity to send some questions to Mandy's dancer in Boogie, Michael Mantez. (picture above) Not only is he an amazing dancer but he is really close to Mandy as well. Michael took his time to answer all our questions and here they are!

1. Mandy Rain Fans: How was it to work with Mandy?

Michael Mantez : Well Mandy and I are best friends, so working with her was blast. She makes sure everyone is having a good time but also getting work done. She really appreciate and values everyone's addition to the team.

2. Mandy Rain Fans: What do you think our reaction of Boogie will be?

Michael Mantez: I think when everyone sees the video, you guys will be shocked. The video has a really cool, fun, party vibe to it. Mandy really took the time to come up with the concept, with the help of her team, that she felt would make everybody want to get up and DANCE!

 3. Mandy Rain Fans : What is a very funny moment from the BTS of Boogie?

Michael Mantez: A funny moment from the behind the scenes of ''BOOGIE'' is when we walked out of our first rehearsal and immediately laid down outside because we were so exhausted.

4. Mandy Rain Fans: Can you tell us anything about the dancing in Boogie?

Michael Mantez: The dancing in the music video is really upbeat and chill. However, it is also energetic. I think everyone can find a groove that they'll enjoy while listening/dancing to the song.

5. Mandy Rain Fans: What was your favorite part of doing the video?

Michael Mantez: My favorite part of the entire music video was working with such an awesome team and being able to work with my best friend! There's nothing better than doing what you love, with the people you love and care about.

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