I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

New projects from RAINSTORMS!

Hey Rainstorms! I have been working on two projects.

First, I've created a Gallery of Mandy Rain pictures on tumblr. The link is: http://mandyrainpictures.tumblr.com/ . All new pictures of Mandy Rain will be uploaded on there.

Second, me & AJ has been working all week on a new project called: My Mandy Rain Experience. Every Rainstorm that met Mandy will have the opportunity to talk about their experience. The link is http://mymandyrainexperience.tumblr.com/ . Make sure to read every experience & to send yours at mymandyrainexperience@hotmail.com 

1 comment:

Camila Souza said...

mandy send me a direct message on my twitter @itmilla
love u ! <3

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