I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Boogie BTS and learn the STEPS!

Yesterday, Mandy posted a twitlonger about the Boogie video on Twitter. This is how it goes:

Your invited to go behind the scenes with Mandy Rain and be the first to learn the moves behind the "BOOGIE" music video!

Here's the 4 EASY steps you can take to Boogie with us:

1.) Download Banjo (http://bit.ly/MandyBanjo1).
2.) When I Tweet my location, go to the Banjo "Map" and search my location. Go to "Updates" search#MandyRain and you will find me!
3.) Send me a Message on Banjo and I will personally respond with an exclusive link to my behind the scenes video stream.
4.) On March 15th, 2012 (time announced on Banjo) join me behind the scenes on my new video.

*Be sure to "Fav" me (by pressing the "Star" on my profile) so you can always find me on Banjo!*

It will be an hour long U-Stream with me and my dancers, with the first 30 minutes devoted to answering all your questions and reading the reviews left on the "App Store" under the app itself and the other 30 minutes devoted to teaching ALL of you at home the choreography. 

Check back with me on Banjo to find upcoming appearances and even some secretive shows that you can only be apart of if you have "Banjo"!

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