I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Mandy Rain in NEW YORK what is she up too?

So as you know Mandy is in NEW YORK!!! So here's what's going on... First, she was in New Jersey Wednesday! She did a little detour so she could visit her family! Apparently she had an amazing time!  Second, she finally went to New York! She went to Megan Lemery at her book launch of ''Please pass the Barbie Shoes'' (picture above)  And finally today, she's going to PROM!!!!! I'm so excited to see how her dress will look like! I bet she will look LOVELY! She said she will post some pictures, can't wait too see that! I'm gonna keep you update later on what's going on :) 

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