I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mandy Rain WEBSITE!

If you've been excited as I am you probably have already bookmarked realmandyrain.com and check it each time you open the internet! Sadly, it never changed! Well it did, from a closet to a Mandy pic but we never really got to explore it! BUT, today, Mandy's team said she was meeting about the WEBSITE and that she cannot wait to announce the official date! Well trust me Nicole, we can't wait to hear about it too! It will be pretty awesome when it will be open, i'm sure about that! I hope there's a BUNCH of Mandy Rain pictures cause I LOVE her photo shoots and i'm excited to see more! 

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