I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ready for RAIN?

East coast RAINSTORMS, Ready for Rain? Ready for MANDY RAIN??? I bet you are! Well a couple hours ago, Mandy announce via twitter that she will be traveling a lot this summer and especially to the east coast! East coast, does that mean YOU? If so, don't wait! Tweet @Dboudro1 or @Morrisandpelle and tell them where you would like to see Mandy! What state? Any festivals or shows? Let them know! Who knows you might just run into Many Rain or meet her at a meet and great! I really hope your dreams will come true Rainstorms! And if it does, remember to let us know!! You could be featured here :D

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