I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Monday, June 20, 2011


Hey RAINSTORMS! This week we will have some RAINSTORMS talking about there journey of meeting MANDY RAIN! SO if you've met her tweet me @imteammandyrain

To start off, let's go with AJ's story!!

I've been a Rainstorm since I first heard the SGs a few yrs ago so meeting Mandy was a dream come true..it finally happened at Billabong's Design for Humanity on June 15! I was there with a friend and my dad..the event was filled witn music, dancing and art which we loved..all while I was looking out for Mandy, till I got a twitter DM from her saying she was there! :) I eventually found her with Nicole and Danielle from Morris & Pelle, who couldnt have been nicer to me! When I first went up to Mandy I was in total OHHHHH MYYYYYY RAAAAAIIIIIINNNNN mode, just couldnt believe I was finally meeting her! After we talked and I gushed for a couple mins, I took 2 pics with her..Nicole took one for realmandyrain.com and the other for me. Mandy also signed my Mandy Rain bracelet that I always keep on my cell phone case. :) We hugged it out and said our goodbyes...thx again Mandy for making my day, week, month, year..life! <3 RAINSTORM ALWAYS -AJ (aj82lo)

1 comment:

AJ said...

SWEEEEET :D thx as always Marjorie!

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