I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Hey RAINSTORMS! Summer is here and we all have plans to celebrate! So does Mandy!!! She's gonna be busy working on her projects such as TV, film & music! She will also be meeting some Rainstorms! We know also that Mandy will go to New York && Vegas! Rest of cities are to come! Oh and we know that Mandy will go to the beach and shop! Lol! Have a nice summer RAINSTORMS!

1 comment:

faith rock said...

yayyyy im soooo excited for mandys up coming things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also my mom lives in st. george mayybeee she can go to vegas and meet mandy! and all she would tell mandy is hey im faith rock's mom.. kuz mandy knows how i am :)

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