I've had a lot of hate thrown my way, but I take that hurt & turn it to energy. It fuels me. -Mandy Rain

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Poll of JUNE (answers)!

Hey RAINSTORMS! First of all I would like to wish HAPPY CANADIAN DAY to all the CANADIAN RAINSTORMS! Mandy NEEDS to visit us soon right? Then happy friday to everyone and also happy JULY! :) So i've been getting a lot of possitive comments on the blog so that's so cool thank you guys! Like you know every month a new poll comes in! This month the question is: If Mandy could have her own nailpolsih color it should be:.... Make sure you take the poll (: For june, the question was '' If Mandy had to pick one she should be ''an actress'' ''a singer'' or ''a dancer''.... Actress got: 2 votes (6%) Singer got: 23 votes (79%) and dance got: 4 votes (13%)... We all agree Mandy is super talented and she does those 3 things amazingly! But a lot of RAINSTORMS agree that she has a beautiful and unique voice! :)

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